
E-invoicing & e-reporting, securing your processes

Adam Nicol
E-invoicing & e-reporting, la sécurisation de vos processus
Flash-Info Grant Thornton

Following on from the previous communications sent to you on the subject of e-invoicing, the experts here at Grant Thornton would like to inform you of the latest news on this reform. As you are already aware, the implementation of this digital revolution will require real anticipation from all companies operating in France.

The first deadline in this new obligation of 1 July 2024 is fast approaching! The receipt of invoices, just one part of this reform, will impact all taxable persons and entities operating in France. As a reminder, electronic invoicing will be put in place progressively, with different schedules depending on the size of the company.

What are the changes you should be aware of now in order to secure your purchasing process?

First of all, supplier invoices will have to be received in electronic format via the partner platform(s) chosen by your company. These platforms will play a key role in both the issuing and receiving of your invoices.

Invoices will now have to follow a complete life cycle with a list of mandatory and recommended regulations, and any invoice that falls outside the scope of this regulated cycle will not be accepted.

For more information, please download the PDF below.