Grant Thornton Neuilly-sur-Seine
Jialian Qin

Jialian Qin

Jialian is a French chartered accountant and Chinese certified public accountant. She has more than 20 years of experience in international accounting firms and companies in France and China. Her experience covers many phases of compliance services (accounting, tax, legal, social, internal control). She is specialized in global compliance services, working with multinational groups.

Jialian is in charge of China Desk at the International Business Advisory Services department (IBAS). China Desk assists Chinese investors in France and French investors in China.

China national, Jialian speaks fluently Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), French and English.

秦家莲,中国注册会计师协会会员,法国注册会计师协会会员,获得中国及法国国家认证的注册会计师文凭,持有中国和法国注册会计师执业资质。她有着20年的会计从业经验 (包括国际会计事务所及国际企业工作经验)。在多年的中国法国及国际会计审计税务实务工作当中,她具有丰富的行业经验。在帮助中国企业在法国开拓发展和协助法国企业去中国投资方面,她在业内有着良好的口碑。



Wechat: qin-jialian

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